Related Pages
- Safeguarding at Marsh Lane Primary
- Statutory Safeguarding Documents
- Safeguarding Support for Parents and Guardians
- MLPS Safeguarding Newsletter
- Types of Abuse
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (DFE)
- Stopping Domestic Abuse Together
- Prevent
- Behaviour & Anti-Bullying
- Safeguarding Glossary of Terms
- Early Help Offer
- Pastoral Care, Health & Welfare
- ELSA Support
- Keeping children safe online
- E-safety online guidance for parents
- E-Safety Week
Pastoral Care, Health & Welfare
At Marsh Lane, all members of staff undertake a pastoral role. We hope that our friendly school atmosphere, regular contact with parents and sensitive relationships with the children will enable any difficulties that may arise to be dealt with quickly.
We have trained and highly skilled TA’s who oversee the children's welfare, medical and dietary needs and provides first aid treatment, when required, in our pastoral room. All members of staff have basic first aid training, including all our Early Years practitioners and two members of staff are fully trained in advanced Paediatric First Aid.
Whenever necessary, full use is made of support agencies such as educational psychologists, education social workers and the local health services.
It is very important that parents or carers let us know of any medical conditions, allergies or disabilities their child may have so that adjustments can be made. The school is not permitted to give medication except in very special circumstances such as chronic asthma, severe allergy or an ongoing medical condition. In these instances, the school health professionals meets with parents to put a healthcare plan in place.